Sunday, January 15, 2012

I don't have any creative juices flowing in my system these past few months (actually I forgot I had this blog)... So I think I'll just share compilations of quotes which I've been writing in my journal every week. I have been a very big fan of quotes since I was in high school, those I can relate to, those that can fully express my feelings.

The past few months have been varying quite a bit, I went to Culinary School and have been so worked up on it that I didn't have time to think of anything but paperwork and stuff. Oh well, cooking has been a passion ever since I learned my very first scrambled eggs. I love cooking for someone, having the thought of making a dish for someone and that it would make them happy is just so rewarding. Going to a Culinary School has been a dream come true. Basically, I realized what I was going to study. And it was beautiful. It was my first ever epiphany, and I use that term very carefully. What happened was pure magic, and now, I know what I need to do. So I’m pursuing this new direction in complete confidence that I’m going to make it work. Because finally I found what I really love doing.

Here are some, enjoy! Hope all is doing well! :)

That was a day I came face to face with my freak. A frightening woman whose fear ate her sanity. The truth is, it isn't just the men. It's all of us, anyone whose single in Manhattan gets a little freaked out from time to time. But we keep trying, because you have to figure, if the world's fattest twins can find love, there's hope for all of us. Somewhere out there is another little freak, who will love us, understand us and kiss our three heads and make it all better and in the mean time, we always have Manhattan.

-Carrie Bradshaw (SATC Season 3, Episode 3)

If you can find a path without obstacles. It probably doesn't lead anywhere. - Frank A. Clark

Don't depend too much on anyone in this world... It is because even your own shadow leaves you when you're in darkness.  -Anonymous

Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you're in need. People who would never take advantage of you. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.